Sunday, May 6, 2007

Atkins Low-Carb Diets for Weight Loss


The Atkins program is a four-phase eating plan for losing weight. The last phase involves how to maintain the weight loss.

Basic concept

Atkins promotes limiting carbohydrate grams. You limit nearly all carbohydrate in the first 2 weeks of the plan, then gradually add some carbohydrate back into your diet later.

How it works

  • Phase 1: Induction: During a 2-week induction program you eat no more than 20 grams of carbohydrate a day.
  • Phase 2: Ongoing weight loss: This is similar to the induction phase, but in Phase 2 you begin to add more foods to your diet and increase your carbohydrate grams. New foods include nuts, seeds, and some berries.
  • Phase 3: Pre-maintenance: When you are 10 pounds from your goal weight, you start Phase 3. You add 5 to 10 grams of carbohydrate to your diet per week as long as you are continuing to lose weight. You add new foods slowly.
  • Phase 4: Maintenance: After you have maintained your goal weight for about a month, you move into Phase 4. At this point, you know how many carbohydrate grams you can eat without gaining weight.

On the menu

  • Eggs, meat, fish (all proteins)
  • Olive oil, butter, cheese, olives
  • Lettuce, cucumber, tomato, broccoli, avocado (most vegetables)
  • Artificial sweeteners (such as Splenda)

Off the menu

  • Sugar and baked goods
  • Starchy vegetables (corn, sweet peas)
  • Bread, pasta, potato (none in Phase 1, added back in later phases)
  • Fruit (none in Phase 1, added back in later phases)
  • Alcohol (none in Phase 1, added back in later phases)
  • Nuts (none in Phase 1, added back in later phases)

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