Monday, March 31, 2008

Benefits of massage.

Massage is a great experience and it feels heavenly. But some people think that it is a luxury to be enjoyed only once in a while. Massage has great bodily benefits by massage your body stretches and loosens muscles to relieve tension. A good massage can increasing circulation and lymph flow to eliminate toxins; resulting in boost in your immune system; lowering your heart rate; and stimulating the release of "feel-good" endorphins. So give your partner a massage today and enjoy it every week to stay fresh. First step of a massage is gathering all the massage supplies and create a relaxing atmosphere. If you are not expecting an important call then turn off your phones. Create an atmosphere by turning down the lights and put on some soothing music. Light some Aromatherapy candle and choose massage oil or massage lotion which helps your hands to glide over skin during massage. You can use Aromatherapy massage products which are consists of essential oils to enhance your experience, helping ease muscle tension, soothe your senses or even invigorate your spirit.


Antiretroviral drugs are medications for the treatment of infection by retroviruses, primarily HIV. Different classes of antiretroviral drugs act at different stages of the HIV life cycle. Combination of several (typically three or four) antiretroviral drugs is known as Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART). Antiretroviral drugs are broadly classified by the phase of the retrovirus life-cyle that the drug inhibits. There are thus five broad classifications of antiretroviral drugs in development, though only the first three classes currently have licensed examples:
* Reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs) target construction of viral DNA by inhibiting activity of reverse transcriptase. There are two subtypes of RTIs with different mechanisms of action: nucleoside-analogue RTIs are incorporated into the viral DNA leading to chain termination, while non-nucleoside-analogue RTIs distort the binding potential of the reverse transcriptase enzyme.
* Protease inhibitors (PIs) target viral assembly by inhibiting the activity of protease, an enzyme used by HIV to cleave nascent proteins for final assembly of new virons.
* Fusion inhibitors block HIV from fusing with a cell's membrane to enter and infect it.
* Integrase inhibitors inhibit the enzyme integrase, which is responsible for integration of viral DNA into the DNA of the infected cell. There are several integrase inhibitors currently under clinical trial but none are commercially available.
* Entry inhibitors block HIV-1 from the host cell by binding CCR5, a molecule on the viral membrane termed a co-receptor that HIV-1 normally uses for entry into the cell.
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Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is a long-term skin disease. "Atopic" refers to a tendency to develop allergy conditions. "Dermatitis" means inflammation of the skin. The most common symptoms of eczema are: dry and itchy skin, rashes on the face, inside the elbows, behind the knees, and on the hands and feet. Scratching the skin can cause: redness, swelling, cracking , “Weeping” clear fluid, crusting, thick skin, scaling. Often, the skin gets worse (flares), then it improves or clears up (remissions). Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is most common in babies and children. But it can happen to anyone. People who live in cities and dry climates may be more likely to get this disease. When children with atopic dermatitis grow older, this problem can improve or go away. But the skin may stay dry and easy to irritate. At other times, atopic dermatitis is a problem in adulthood. You can’t "catch" the disease or give it to other people.
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Friday, March 21, 2008

What do you know about allergies?

Allergic rhinitis is a collection of symptoms, predominantly in the nose and eyes, caused by airborne particles of dust, dander, or plant pollens in people who are allergic to these substances. When these symptoms are caused by pollen, the allergic rhinitis is commonly called hay fever. Allergies are caused by an over-sensitive immune response. The immune system normally protects the body against harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses. Allergy symptoms occur when the immune system reacts to substances (allergens) that are generally harmless and in most people do not cause an immune response. When a person with allergies breathes in an allergen such as pollen or dust, antibodies are produced. When the antibodies are stimulated by pollen and dust, histamine and other chemicals are released. This causes itching, swelling, and mucus production. Symptoms vary from person to person. Very sensitive individuals can experience hives or other rashes.
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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Taking Levitra.

If you think that there are no side effects of taking Levitra, you have another think coming. As any like medication, this one has also it’s advantages and disadvantages. So, you should know the most common Levitra side effects, in occurring of which you should call your pharmacist. If you fill headache, flushing, stuffy or runny nose turn to the doctor and consult with him what to do. Also Levitra may uncommonly cause an erection that won't go away (priapism). For instance, if you get an erection that lasts more than four hours, get medical help right away. Such situation as priapism must be treated as soon as possible or lasting damage can happen to your penis, including the inability to have erections. Be attentive, as Levitra may cause vision changes, such as seeing a blue tinge to objects or having difficulty telling the difference between the colours blue and green. Sometimes, but it happens more rare, in men taking Levitra observed a sudden decrease or loss of vision in one or both eyes, or a sudden loss or decrease in hearing, sometimes with ringing in the ears and dizziness. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking Levitra tabs and call a doctor right away. So, watch out when taking this “magic drug”!
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Monday, September 17, 2007

Weight Loss's Little Known Secret: Weight Control Diet & Exercise

Have you lost weight recently? Great! But if you don't mind, I'd like to issue a warning to you and anyone else who has lost weight recently. Why? It's simple. More often than not, people who lose weight end up gaining it back fast and then some. This is a big problem with people's weight loss efforts these days.

How and why does this happen? I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to know to keep the fat off once you've lost it. This is a piece of the weight loss puzzle that many people don't pay much attention to. And it's called weight control. Or as I like to call it, weight loss's big brother.

If you've ever lost weight before, chances are you've gained it back. And before you knew it, you were even heavier than before you started that weight loss diet or exercise program. All of that hard work and restrictive dieting with nothing to show for it. It's enough to drive a person right to the donut shop! Take it easy, there's a reason that this happens so frequently to those trying to lose weight around the world, and there's also a simple answer to ensure it doesn't happen to you again.

There are basically two reasons why most people who've lost weight put it right back on. The primary reason is that most people who lose weight lose it because of following a diet. That's right, simply trying to adhere to a popular fad diet plan can actually prove counterproductive. Why?

Most diets, especially the most popular ones, are quite frankly overly restrictive ways of dictating your calorie intake. They typically call for deleting various essential foods from your daily eating habits, and almost always included severe calorie reduction.

These typical diet components can create fast weight loss to be sure, as you're taking in less calories than you're expending each day. But, no one in their right mind, or body, will stay on most popular diets for very long. They're not natural and your body knows this. Once we go off the diet that created the quick weight loss and revert back to our old habits (including the increased calories) we gain the weight back, and fast. Surprise, surprise.

We also unfortunately add a bit of extra fat when coming off of that diet because our bodies are attempting to make up for the deprivation that was at hand during that dieting phase. It makes perfect sense, doesn't it? This calls to attention the second reason we gain our weight back, and more, after going off of a diet. You body doesn't want to be deprived of certain food types. I'm talking about nutrient rich foods that our bodies were designed to thrive on, including quality whole grain based carbohydrates.

Perfect evidence of this are the tens of thousands (several of my own acquaintances included) who have become low carbohydrate yo-yo dieters. They can lose 10-15 pounds in just a few days, but when they can no longer stand the food deprivation, they return to their old eating habits and bodies.

It should be obvious that this method of weight loss (typical fad dieting) is ineffective, because it doesn't last. What is required for permanent weight loss is a not a weight loss diet, but a proper weight control diet and exercise program. These are two very different things.

I'm talking about a lifestyle change, where you adopt healthy eating and exercise habits into your life. This is the only true path to permanent fat loss.

This can be accomplished on the diet side of things by:

-Eating smaller meals more frequently

-Counting portions instead of worrying about exact calories

-Focusing on plant based foods like fruits and vegetables

-Drinking plenty of water throughout the day (64oz. minimum)

Taking this a step further, you can combine this healthy eating lifestyle with proper exercise to create a perpetual fat burning furnace in your body that continues to mobilize your stored body fat for energy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Now this is true weight control, where you're literally burning fat while sleeping.

You'd be wise to heed this exercise advice when creating this weight control diet and exercise lifestyle:

-Ignore long and frequent cardio workouts. They actually encourage your body to store fat.

-Incorporate high intensity resistance training 2-3 times per week for about 15-25 minutes per session. You'll be building lean muscle and teaching your body to ignore fat as an energy source...the exact opposite of traditional cardio workouts.

When you make these changes in your life, you're no longer dieting. You're no longer restricting the body of the nutrients it needs to succeed and as a result you lose weight naturally. You've created you own weight control diet, but it's not really a diet at all!

Can you see how this will make a huge difference in your health and fitness and put an end to the lose some/gain more madness experienced by masses of dieters around the world today?

Getting that lean and healthy body can be as simple as saying no to dieting and saying hello to a healthy eating lifestyle you can call your own. Now that is something that any big brother would be proud of.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weight Loss Posted By : Jennifer L. Kays

Natural medicines are become an increasingly popular way of treating ailments, the biggest advantage natural medicines have over conventional medicine is that they have very little side effects. Natural medicines have been in use the world over for thousands of years, and they take into account the human bodies own capacity to heal, as the name suggests natural medicine is derived from only natural products. Naturopathy as it is commonly called is a great way for people the world over to keep themselves healthy and protect themselves from aging, without nasty side effects.

The origin of natural medicine is believed to be Ayurvedic medicine, the core philosophy of natural medicines is to avoid any kind of invasive medical techniques like surgery, hormonal replacement therapy or any other types of direct intervention with the body. Natural medicine is developed from natural sources like herbs, plants, vitamins etc., and has minimal or zero side effects when compared to conventional medicine. Women the world over have especially benefited from the various methods of Naturopathy that have been around; like aromatherapy, weight loss products, anti-aging skin care and pain relief. Depending on the health issues that one is facing, Naturopathy has a complete course of medicines and exercises that can help people recover from their health problems.

Weight loss

65% of the population of the united states is over weight, this means that 2 out of 3 people are either overweight or obese. Conventional medical procedures to cure weight loss involve, suppressing hunger pangs by using drugs, or using direct surgical intervention. Neither of which are very pleasing to just think about, let alone endure!. Natural medicines that are developed for weight loss are designed to be used in conjunction with dieting and an exercise regime like aerobics or yoga. Natural weight loss medicine has vitamins, amino acids derived from natural plants, and in addition they contain natural fat burning components. This means that the natural medicines not only actively reduces fat, but also gently nourishes the body while it is loosing the weight.

More often than not weight loss medicine is prescribed along with a strict exercise and diet regime, as no medicine alone can be responsible for weight loss.


Aromatherapy has been in existence for thousands of years, people have always acknowledged the impact various aromas have on their moods. Aromatherapy is a very powerful way of de-stressing and depending on the desired effect, aromatherapy can be both invigorating and relaxing at the same time. One of the most popular ways of using aromatherapy is in baths, by adding selected bath oils to water (usually a bath tub). The aroma surrounds a person, while he or she relaxes amidst the various stimulating aromas, relaxing and de-stressing. Apart from just bathing oils, there are specialized soaps, shampoos and scrubs that are designed for specific aromatherapy.

Another way of dispensing aromatherapy is using scented candles and aroma sticks, both fill the room with sweet aroma and are a great way to relax or create a romantic environment at home.

Natural Women's Health

Interest in women's health has exploded over the past few decades, both in the medical profession and in society as a whole. Popular topics, among researchers and magazine publishers alike, include hormone replacement therapy, breast cancer, heart disease, the benefits of vitamins and
supplements, fitness and exercise, anti-aging techniques, and sexual health.
This surge in interest offers a fertile environment for unproven procedures to make inflated claims about the benefits they can offer women. Constant advances in science and technology also offer us one new synthetic product after another. However, one of the oldest and most well-established
approaches to addressing women's health concerns, and one which is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, is the use of all-natural products as an alternative to chemically invasive products and procedures. Natural remedies can be particularly effective in weight loss, as sleep aids, for pain
relief, and as anti-aging supplements.

The key with weight loss is to maintain a healthy middle ground, and herbal supplements can help you do just that. Our society struggles both with obesity and with people who are too thin due to an obsession with their weight. The goal for every woman should be to reach and maintain a healthy
weight and a good level of fitness. Extra weight, and especially an elevated body fat percentage, takes a great toll on a woman's heart, joints, and back. Weight loss, approached in a healthy way through smart eating, exercise, and natural supplements, can reduce the risk of diabetes and other
health problems, and can significantly extend your life span. Natural weight loss supplements can be especially helpful for women who are diagnosed as obese, because they can help counteract hunger pangs and lead to the healthy eating that is so crucial for any weight loss program. Certain natural supplements also act as natural hormone balancers and can provide assistance
to those for whom a hormone imbalance is contributing to their weight issues.

A good night's sleep is rejuvenating and restorative and helps your body cope with all other health issues. The health of your body and mind, your ability to have a productive day, your alertness, problem solving ability, memory and general mental health, and even the length and happiness of your life - all are impacted by the quality of sleep you get. Getting a good night's sleep is hard these days, as our homes, work places, and society in general get more and more stressful, noisy, and fast-paced. Many people resort to prescription sleep aids, and the numbers of new prescriptions
every year continues to grow. There is a natural alternative, however, for those who do not wish to risk becoming dependent on a prescription sleep aid or deal with the associated side effects. Natural sleep aids can help you enter a relaxed and restful sleep without the worry of dependency. Ergonomic pillows and relaxative music can also provide comfort and support, and create an environment conducive to sleeping well. The best thing about these all natural products is that you can sleep well without the risk of dependency.

Pain can plague women as a result of old age, physical illness, extensive exercise, strained muscles or broken bones. Supermarkets and pharmacies have aisles and aisles of pills, powders and bandages to help with pain relief. Some common over-the-counter pain relief medication can cause mild side effects like drowsiness or nausea. Prescription pain medication like Vicodin and Percocet can have even more serious side effects and are addictive and dangerous if not taken carefully. A safer option for pain relief is found among the variety of all-natural products that relieve muscle and joint pain, as well as relax the body for a general improvement of the body and soul. Some examples of natural pain relief products are vitamins, supplements, herbs, ointments, creams and bath formulas to reduce inflammation.

Finally, though we all grow older, most anti-aging marketing is aimed at women. The aging process is hastened by free radicals, substances produced in the body during the processing of food and conversion of energy. Free radicals can be neutralized by antioxidants, thus preventing premature aging and disease. All-natural anti-aging antioxidants are on the cutting edge of natural supplements. These vitamins and herbs specifically counteract the production of free radicals that attack youthful skin and cause unwanted wrinkles. As an added bonus, anti-aging antioxidants also improve cardiovascular health and may reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

This brings us full circle, back to a heart-healthy lifestyle supported by the use of natural supplements. As women lead busier and busier lives, balancing careers, families, and work in the community, it is more important than ever that we take good care of ourselves. Though modern medicine will continue to offer us shiny new solutions to age-old problems, the use of natural remedies and supplements is always a safe, gentle, and balanced option for those of us who want to draw on the homeopathic knowledge of the ages of practitioners who were addressing women's health concerns long before there was ever a magazine cover.